Dear Friends, This Sunday we are continuing in our new series, Living in Jesus, where this week we get to explore Living in Thankfulness: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Why not take a moment to think of things to thank God for in your life. Sunday Services We look forward to welcoming you to our Sunday 9am and 10.30am services in church, as we continue our new series on ‘Living in Jesus’. You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30am on our Livestream. If you have missed any of our services or want to watch them again do subscribe to our YouTube channel for all the latest updates and past video’s We are sorry there will be no refreshments after either service this week as we are still trying to recruit enough volunteers to serve in this way. If you wish to help with refreshments please contact the office 01920 487267 or email [email protected] ![]() Harvest Sunday 3rd October
Please find attached a Harvest Shopping list of items for Hertford and District Food Bank that they particular need at this time. If you would like to contribute please do bring them to church on the morning of Sunday 3rd October or take donations directly to the food bank or place in the trollies in the local supermarkets. Prayer Opportunities
Sunday 3rd October 8pm: Whatever your journey with God through the pandemic has been like, God longs to meet with you, to bring you healing, peace and refreshment. Join us in church for prayer and space to spend time with God - reflective space to listen, to be still, come before God or receive prayer and healing. Sit on your own or gather as a group. Baptism and Confirmation We are delighted to let you know that we have been able to rearrange the service of Baptism and Confirmation (that was postponed due to the pandemic) for Sunday evening 10th October at 6.30 at Christ Church. Please do be praying for the candidates. If you would be willing to help with refreshments or welcome please let the office know. Half-Term Join In Family Fun We would love to run a half-term family fun session on Thursday 28th October 10-12 and 1-3 with games, craft, games and bible storytelling for 0-11s. We need your help! Can you offer to help with:
Youth The youth programme has restarted. See your e mail for further details or contact the office. This term we are exploring the challenges of Climate Change encompassing many aspects of this vast topic from the biblical perspective, poverty, personal and corporate engagement. We are seeking individuals who have a passion or expertise in any area of this vast topic be it global warming, alternative energies, recycling, poverty relief, disaster response, aide, ethical fashion, food production and so on. If you are involved in this or know someone who would be willing to give up a couple of hours on a Wednesday evening please do talk to Jess Cole: [email protected] or 07776 596561 Children’s Church Activities as usual in the Church Centre. We look forward to seeing you. Baby Group Please note that the Baby group will not be running during the rest of September due to holidays. The group will resume on Friday 8th October but in a new format. It will be aimed at very new mums and focus on the post-natal stage – offering coffee, tea, chat, support. The group will be for mums with new born babies up until the age of 6 months. 1.30 pm on Fridays. £2 per family if able. Oasis Christ Church’s ministry to those who are parenting alone and their children. Prior to lockdown, we held a monthly group called ‘Oasis’ in the church centre on Saturday afternoon/evening. We would like to explore the possibility of a re-launch – both from the perspective of lone parents and their children and from volunteers within the church family. If you have an interest and would like to find out more please contact the office. CAP Our Christians Against Poverty Debt centre is running, if you know of anybody who needs their help do contact 0800 328 0006. We are very pleased to say that recently three CAP clients became debt free. Please continue to remember CAP, the team and clients in your prayers. Missions The mission work that Mel Lynch, one of our mission partners has changed. Why not use the link to see the latest news Next issue of Church Magazine The deadline for items for our next magazine is 5 November. Please contact the team with any ideas or suggestions: [email protected] Looking after yourself – would you be interested in joining a new Pilates class on Tuesdays at 9.30 am in church at a cost of £8 per person – all levels of experience catered for. If interested please contact Caroline Tiffen on 07770 406885 to see if we have enough people to make a group viable. And finally – Christmas! Each year Christ Church retells the Christmas Story in a creative way for the children and local schools, at the Christmas Eve Children’s Service. The service is always popular with families, including grandparents. Last year it was entirely online (see:, but we are planning to return to an in-person/hybrid service this year, and are therefore looking to cast actors as wise-men, shepherds, angels, Bethlehem townsfolk, sheep, camels, an evil Herod, and Mary and Joseph. If you'd like to be part of sharing the Good News (with a fresh twist) please let the office know. Commitment would be the service, on the afternoon of 24th December, with a handful of evening rehearsals in the week beforehand. Some parts will be filmed further in advance, whilst most will be live. It's great fun! God bless, John and the Christ Church Team. Comments are closed.
February 2025