Dear Friends, The next in our series of imperfect characters of faith videos is coming has been released this morning HERE. Sunday Services We look forward to welcoming you to our Sunday 9am and 10.30am services in church, as we continue our series from the letter of James. Book your place for all in person services and children’s and youth groups at: You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30am on our live stream. Just follow this link If you have missed any of our services or want to watch them again do subscribe to our You Tube channel for all the latest updates and past video’s Our website is regularly update with all the latest details of our activities and news. Children’s update Children’s church As we get used to meeting together again and look to run all of our children’s Sunday morning activities we need to expand our pool of volunteers. Could this be you? A commitment to help even just once a month would be much appreciated. The children are great fun to be around and this is such an exciting ministry to be a part of. Toddler Group Our new Toddler group has started and is on Mondays, 9.30am to 10.30am, in the Church Centre. It is for children starting to walk – rising 1s – up until age 3. Places are limited and admission will be by appointment. Please book by phoning the office from 9am on Wednesday to join in the session on the following Monday. The cost will be £1.50 per family. Places will need to be booked on a weekly basis. Further information will be sent out on sign-up. Crèche update We are delighted to say that crèche is now available. You do need to book a ticket for those attending which can be done via our normal service booking link. It has a slightly different look and feel as we as we adapt to the Covid restrictions, however we know that those of you with young children value it. As we continue to enjoy meeting in-person on Sundays and mid-week on we really need more helpers especially on Sunday morning. If you are at all interested in helping please do speak to Jess. Summer update Our Summer activities mornings – Summer Blast! – are in the planning stage. Sign up to help and save the date to help at Summer Blast! We will be running 3 activity mornings on the 10th, 17th and 24th August for 5-11 year olds and 3rd August for under 5s. If you are interested in helping at one or all of these then please do get in touch with Jess. Further details on how to book children in will come in due course but currently we need the team to enable this to happen. I promise it will be lots of fun- don’t miss out! Any questions get in touch. Any and all offers of help please contact Jess. [email protected] or 07776 596 561 ![]() United Breaks Out New Wine do check out all the details at: United Breaks Out - New Wine ( Thursday 29 July – Tuesday 3 August 2021 We will also be hosting two evenings in church on Friday the 30th July and Sunday the 1st of August at 7pm. Further details to follow. Life Groups
If you are not currently part of a life group and would like to get connected, please do contact the office. CAP Our Christians Against Poverty Debt centre is still up and running, if you know of anybody who needs their help do contact 0800 328 0006 Our CAP café has also restarted. Prayer meetings We have a church prayer meeting each Friday at 10am via Zoom, for our church and community. Grab a coffee and join in. Contact the office for the link (please don’t share the link on social media). God bless John and the Christ Church Team Do you ever doubt God or feel uncertain about faith? So often we think that being a Christian means being perfect but God doesn’t view it this way. He sees and loves us as we are. This is the message of our series on ‘Imperfect Characters of Faith’. Today's video is about the the disciple Thomas, his uncertainty about the resurrection, and his encounter with the risen Jesus in John 20:26-28. Watch the video to find out how Jesus encourages Thomas... Dear Friends,
We are delighted to have been taking two weddings in church this week. Please do be praying for all those getting married at Christ Church and other at this time. Sunday Services We look forward to welcoming you to our Sunday 9am and 10.30am services in church, as we continue our series from the letter of James. Do have a read of James 2 verses 14 – 20 before Sunday if you wish. Book your place for all in person services and children’s and youth groups at the 10.30am service via: You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30am on our live stream. Just follow this link If you have missed any of our services or want to watch them again do subscribe to our You Tube channel for all the latest updates and past video’s For anyone who missed Alison Jackson’s talk, the catch-UP VIDEO link is here: Children’s update Children’s church As we get used to meeting together again and look to run all of our children’s Sunday morning activities we need to expand our pool of volunteers. Could this be you? A commitment to help even just once a month would be much appreciated. The children are great fun to be around and this is such an exciting ministry to be a part of. Toddler Group Our new Toddler group has started and is on Mondays, 9.30am to 10.30am, in the Church Centre. It is for children starting to walk – rising 1s – up until age 3. Places are limited and admission will be by appointment. Please book by phoning the office from 9am on Wednesday to join in the session on the following Monday. The cost will be £1.50 per family. Places will need to be booked on a weekly basis. Further information will be sent out on sign-up. Creche update We are delighted to say that crèche is now available. You do need to book a ticket for those attending which can be done via our normal service booking link. It has a slightly different look and feel as we as we adapt to the Covid restrictions, however we know that those of you with young children value it. As we continue to enjoy meeting in-person on Sundays and mid-week on we really need more helpers especially on Sunday morning. If you are at all interested in helping please do speak to Jess. Summer update Our Summer activities mornings – Summer Blast! – are in the planning stage. Sign up to help and save the date to help at Summer Blast! We will be running 3 activity mornings on the 10th, 17th and 24th August for 5-11 year olds and 3rd August for under 5s. If you are interested in helping at one or all of these then please do get in touch with Jess. Further details on how to book children in will come in due course but currently we need the team to enable this to happen. I promise it will be lots of fun- don’t miss out! Any questions get in touch. Any and all offers of help please contact Jess [email protected] 07776 596 561 United Breaks Out. New Wine Save the date Thursday 29 July – Tuesday 3 August 2021, as we will be connecting as a church here in Ware, with the New Wine Summer Conference. Details available here United Breaks Out - New Wine ( If you want a flavour of what New Wine is about please go to: United Breaks Out | Save The Date - YouTube Life Groups If you are not currently part of a life group and would like to get connected, please do contact the office. CAP Our Christians Against Poverty Debt centre is still up and running, if you know of anybody who needs their help do contact 0800 3280006 Our CAP café has also restarted. Prayer meetings We have a church prayer meeting each Friday at 10.00am via Zoom, for our church and community. Grab a coffee and join in. Contact the office for the link (please don’t share the link on social media). Help needed on Thursday 24 July We are looking for 6 to 8 volunteers to come to the Church Centre between 9am and 11am to put up our marquees and check they are all in good condition and then re-package them. Refreshments provided! If you can help please let the office know. Thank you. God bless John and the Christ Church Team |
February 2025