For such a time as this we look at the seventh in our series on Characters of Faith, Esther. Dear Friends,
For such a time as this.. is one of the key phrases in Esther’s life, find out why in our ‘Characters of Faith’ video out this Thursday at 12.00 which can be found at HERE. Resources for Thy Kingdom Come this week can be found HERE. Prayer meetings: We have a church prayer meeting each Friday at 10.00 via Zoom, for our church and community. Grab a coffee and join in. The link will be in the following email or contact the office (please don’t share the link on social media). Prayer and fasting days: 10th June, 8th of July. Please do take the opportunity to pray and fast for a meal or more if you're able, so that we can be interceding and listening to the Lord for the church and community at this time. Please do share any words, pictures and scriptures with your life group in the evening and with the church office. Missed any of the services? Catch up HERE. Want to know more about Living in the Power of The Holy Spirit? Join us this Sunday for our Pentecost Sunday LIVE STREAM at 10.00am. With my prayers for you all, God bless John. Dear Friends,
What can we learn from one of David’s less well known struggles? Take a look at the new ‘Characters of Faith’ video out today, which can be found at HERE. These will continue to be released at 12.00 each Thursday. Please do take the opportunity to subscribe to our youtube channel as well. Ascension Day and Thy Kingdom Come prayer week. A Ware Churches together joint service will be posted at 8.15pm today HERE. Resources for Thy Kingdom Come can be found here: What’s THE CONNECTION?….. between this Sundays reading of 2 Kings 6:8-24 and the unnamed servant girl from our Characters of Faith series? Why not have a read in preparation for this Sunday. Prayer meetings: We have a new church prayer meeting each Friday at 10.00 via Zoom, for our church and community. The link will be sent to you in an email or contact the office. (please don’t share the link on social media). If you are also hosting another prayer meeting, we’d love to help connect you up with others who might like to join, please do let the office know. Prayer and fasting days: 10th June, 8th of July. Please do take the opportunity to pray and fast for a meal or more if you're able, so that we can be interceding and listening to the Lord for the church and community at this time. Please do share any words, pictures and scriptures with your life group in the evening and with the church office. Missed any of the services? Catch up HERE. A reminder of what’s happening:
I am also aware of people who have lost a family member recently, as a community, please continue to be holding up all those who are suffering or mourning at this time. If you have something specific that you would like me to be praying for you please do let me know. It is also really encouraging to hear how many of you are supporting each other in so many ways. Thank you for being the people of God that you are. With my prayers for you all, God bless John |
February 2025