There is CAP debt centre, based at Christ Church, providing a free debt counselling service to the local community. A drop in session is available every Thursday between 11:30am and 1:00pm in the main hall of the Christ Church centre if you'd like to find out more about accessing our services or just have a chat.
If you’re struggling with debt and would like to know more, please see www.capuk.org or phone 0800 328 0006 to make an appointment. If you would like to know how to be involved to support those struggling with debt please contact [email protected].
There is CAP debt centre, based at Christ Church, providing a free debt counselling service to the local community. A drop in session is available every Thursday between 11:30am and 1:00pm in the main hall of the Christ Church centre if you'd like to find out more about accessing our services or just have a chat.
If you’re struggling with debt and would like to know more, please see www.capuk.org or phone 0800 328 0006 to make an appointment. If you would like to know how to be involved to support those struggling with debt please contact [email protected].

WAVE (except August and December)
Second Saturday of the month 10.00 - 11.30 am Church Centre
Leaders - Rosie Watson & Caroline Tiffen
WAVE is an inclusive space for those with learning disabilities and their carers 16+. It is an informal cafe-church where all can worship God. For more information please contact the office.
OASIS – SOLO PARENTING? (except August & December)
Last Saturday of every month
4.00 – 7.00pm Church Centre
£3 donation per family, includes supper!
If you are a single parent then this is for you. Join us for an afternoon of activities, crafts, games and an opportunity to chat and make new friends.
There is an annual Christmas party and trip to the seaside.
For further information, please contact the Office or chat to Sue Ilott.
Love Ware+Live Ware is organised by Christ Church and Christians from local churches who want to do useful and fun things to celebrate life and bring people together. All activities are free and open to everyone in the community. The largest events take place three times a year in local parks during the summer months. Other activities include quiz evenings, talent shows and chocolate bingo. See website for details www.lovewareliveware.org
HOME VISITS including Communion Leaders - Peter Dane & Mary Salter
There is a team who make regular monthly visits to the housebound and those unable to come to Christ Church following surgery or during illness. The visit can include celebration of Holy Communion.
The team also hold monthly communion services and an annual carol service for the residents at the care homes within the parish - Westgate House, Highfield and Riverside Place.
For more information please contact the office.
WEDNESDAY WELCOME Leaders - Caroline Tiffen & Chris Evans
Fourth Wednesday of each month 2.30 to 3.30pm Church Centre
They meet to share news and prayer requests and there is a chance to get to know people over tea and biscuits. There is a short service with a speaker often from Christ Church giving a bible-based talk. This group provides a network and care for members. A summer lunch and tea are very popular.
This is mainly attended by women but men are very welcome and transport is available to those that need it.
There is a team who make regular monthly visits to the housebound and those unable to come to Christ Church following surgery or during illness. The visit can include celebration of Holy Communion.
The team also hold monthly communion services and an annual carol service for the residents at the care homes within the parish - Westgate House, Highfield and Riverside Place.
For more information please contact the office.
WEDNESDAY WELCOME Leaders - Caroline Tiffen & Chris Evans
Fourth Wednesday of each month 2.30 to 3.30pm Church Centre
They meet to share news and prayer requests and there is a chance to get to know people over tea and biscuits. There is a short service with a speaker often from Christ Church giving a bible-based talk. This group provides a network and care for members. A summer lunch and tea are very popular.
This is mainly attended by women but men are very welcome and transport is available to those that need it.
If you are a retired or semi-retired or between jobs and seeking future employment this is the group for you. Look out for their next social, which is held in a local pub on a Thursday, late morning, six times a year.
This is a good group for getting to know other Christ Church men available during the day. There is also the chance to participate in practical activities (gardening, DIY & giving lifts etc) as a resource to support activities and events at Christ Church and provide help and support to other groups in the church. They also organise occasional outings or walks during the year.
There is a programme of events during the year including a Saturday Breakfast with speaker, the curry night in December and the summer Barbecue in July when there are strictly no salads!
These are good events to meet other men at Christ Church and to bring your friends, so do look out for the next event on the weekly notice sheet or the website calendar.
If you are a retired or semi-retired or between jobs and seeking future employment this is the group for you. Look out for their next social, which is held in a local pub on a Thursday, late morning, six times a year.
This is a good group for getting to know other Christ Church men available during the day. There is also the chance to participate in practical activities (gardening, DIY & giving lifts etc) as a resource to support activities and events at Christ Church and provide help and support to other groups in the church. They also organise occasional outings or walks during the year.
There is a programme of events during the year including a Saturday Breakfast with speaker, the curry night in December and the summer Barbecue in July when there are strictly no salads!
These are good events to meet other men at Christ Church and to bring your friends, so do look out for the next event on the weekly notice sheet or the website calendar.