Safeguarding is a priority at Christ Church. We are committed to following government and Church of England guidelines on the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and good working practice, including safer recruitment of volunteers and paid workers.
The Church of England Safeguarding Statement can be found here.
Christ Church is committed to implementing safeguarding policy and procedures, accepting the House of Bishops’ Protecting All God’s Children (4th edition 2010). In addition the Parish will follow the Diocesan Procedures and recommended good practice and be responsive to local parish requirements.
- We will review and endorse our safeguarding policies annually so that all members are aware of their responsibilities.
- We will seek to adopt all aspects of the revised legislation and best practice guidelines as and when they are agreed by the Church and Diocese.
- The highest standards will be maintained in all the Church’s contacts with children and adults who may be vulnerable, volunteers will be given appropriate support and opportunities for training.
- We will respond without delay to every complaint made that a children and adults who may be vulnerable for whom we are responsible may have been harmed.
- This Parish will co-operate fully with the statutory agencies in every situation and will not conduct its own investigations.
- We will seek to offer informed pastoral care to any child or adults who may be vulnerable who has suffered abuse.
- We will care for and supervise any member of our church community known to have offended against a children, young person or adults who may be vulnerable.
All of our PDF policy documents are viewable here:
Christ Church Ware Short form policy for Children & vulnerable people - Safeguarding Short Form 2019
Christ Church Ware Safeguarding Policy (full policy) - Safer Church
We have a series of guides to help those in ministry:
Who needs a DBS? - Who needs a DBS flow Chart?
Which roles need a DBS? - Which roles need a DBS?
Activities in parish with children and adults who may be vulnerable - activities-in-parish-ccw.pdf
Christ Church Hall Terms and Conditions of Hire - christ-church-hall-terms-and-conditions-of-hire.pdf
First Aid and administration of medication - first-aid-and-administration-of-medication-ccw-nov-2016.pdf
Guidelines for working with Children, Young People & Vulnerable Adults - guidelines-for-working-ccw.pdf
Logging a concern about a child - logging-a-concern-about-a-child-form.pdf
Ratios - child-adult-ratios.pdf
Record keeping guidance - record-keeping-guidance-ccw.pdf
Social media and young people v3 - social-media-and-young-people-version-3.pdf
Touch - touch-ccw-nov-2016.pdf
Transport - transport-ccw-nov-2016.pdf
Transport undertaking as a voluntary driver Form - transport-undertaking-of-voluntary-drivers-ccw-nov-2016.pdf
Unacceptable behaviour of children and adults who may be vulnerable - unacceptable-behaviour-ccw-nov-2016.pdf
Unaccompanied children - unaccompained-children-ccw-nov-2016.pdf
Who needs a DBS? - Who needs a DBS flow Chart?
Which roles need a DBS? - Which roles need a DBS?
Activities in parish with children and adults who may be vulnerable - activities-in-parish-ccw.pdf
Christ Church Hall Terms and Conditions of Hire - christ-church-hall-terms-and-conditions-of-hire.pdf
First Aid and administration of medication - first-aid-and-administration-of-medication-ccw-nov-2016.pdf
Guidelines for working with Children, Young People & Vulnerable Adults - guidelines-for-working-ccw.pdf
Logging a concern about a child - logging-a-concern-about-a-child-form.pdf
Ratios - child-adult-ratios.pdf
Record keeping guidance - record-keeping-guidance-ccw.pdf
Social media and young people v3 - social-media-and-young-people-version-3.pdf
Touch - touch-ccw-nov-2016.pdf
Transport - transport-ccw-nov-2016.pdf
Transport undertaking as a voluntary driver Form - transport-undertaking-of-voluntary-drivers-ccw-nov-2016.pdf
Unacceptable behaviour of children and adults who may be vulnerable - unacceptable-behaviour-ccw-nov-2016.pdf
Unaccompanied children - unaccompained-children-ccw-nov-2016.pdf