Click here to book your ticket: How God can work through you in all circumstances as we explore the story of Ruth. Speaker Rev Nicola Moy
Our guest speaker is the Rev Nicola Moy. She is the vicar of Christ Church W4 in Chiswick, a ministry partner of CPAS, a speaker at Lee Abbey and was on the Leadership team of New Wine. She loves travel and has ministered in India, Africa and Asia, but not yet South America! She is married to Richard the new National Director of SOMA UK, and they have three school aged children and a dog!! Prior to ordination she was a RE teacher. We have a full Youth and Children's programme 9.15 Coffee 9.45 Welcome including opening prayers and worship 9.55 Children leave to groups worship continues 10.00 Session 1 11.15 Refreshment break 11.45 Session 2 12.45 Lunch (bring your own lunch) 13.45 Session 3 3.00 Comfort break children return 3.10 Worship Inc children and youth feedback 3.30 End About this Event
Where? Christ Church Date? SATURDAY 21ST MARCH 2020 Time: 9 AM – 3.30 PM The away day is a key priority for us as a church family, so please do sign up now. Download the Booking Form here, and return it to the office. The Day Each year, our church hosts an away day, as opportunity to have an extended time of fellowship, worship and teaching. We are privileged to have Rev Andy Sachs coming to lead our teaching sessions in our recently refurbished church building. The people of God are always called to keep pressing into the things of God. It is with God that we find rest, encouragement and restoration. This day aims to enable us to be inspired, confident, refilled and retooled to share their faith. There will be a full programme of children’s and young people’s activities available on the day The Speaker Our Speaker for the day, Andy has been leading St John’s Church in Colchester for seven years and has a passion to see the Church being used by God to bring transformation to people’s lives. He’s married to Vanessa and they have two teenagers and a small friendly dog. He enjoys running, eating chocolate, trying to cook and a good box set, and most importantly, he’s a jubilant Liverpool fan (who’s never been to Liverpool)!’ Young People’s Team A special crack team of super heros will lead the day especially designed for our young folk. It is bound to be zany, challenging, spirit filled and a little bit left field. If you are aged 11-18 you won’t want to miss it so be sure to badger the parents to book you on! Children’s Team Jess Cole ably supported by a team of special helpers will lead the day for all those of you who are in school years 1-6. We can’t definitely say that she will dress up, wear a silly hat or that your favourite puppet or super hero will be there. I do know that It will be a day of Jesus, biscuits, glitter, sweets, glue, laughter, games, new experiences, mega bucket loads of fun and of course chocolate. You will need lots of energy, enthusiasm and imaginations. Crèche and reception aged children We will have an experienced team of helpers who will man the crèche and reception children’s groups during the main sessions. There will active play, crafts, games, Duplo, dressing up and lots of Jesus storey time all aimed at your age groups, with a special quite zone if you want a nap! Cost Adult and Children 5-18’s £5, Under 5’s Free PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN PICNIC LUNCH Bursary Scheme We want all of the Christ Church family to be able to attend the day; if you would like to contribute to the bursary scheme, then please add a contribution in with your booking. If the cost stops you coming please do let Martin in the church office know as we don’t want this to be a barrier to you joining with your church family. Booking
Parking The church car park will be available, but space is limited so please think, do you need to park there or could you let those less able use the car park, choosing to walk, cycle, car share or park locally and stroll to church. The Programme
You can download a PDF version of this information here.
January 2025