God has Chosen You
Discover more in our first video in the new series Biblical insights for your life of Faith, released today at 12.00. It can be found HERE. It’s a series on what I wish every Christian could know for their life with God. Why not watch them and talk about them with your prayer triplet, mentor or life group. We are delighted that that the government has said that places of worship may reopen from the 4th of July, providing physical distancing remains in place. Please do be praying for us as a leadership, as we continue plan our next steps on the journey and are still awaiting further guidance, from church of England and Government. I will give you an update on the Sunday live stream. With further updates to follow. Interested in Finding out about Jesus? Our six week online Alpha Course Starts Monday evenings 6th of July, for more details please sign up HERE, or contact the office. Private Prayer in church. I am delighted to let you know that subject to volunteers being available, we will be opening up for private prayer on Tuesday Mornings from 9.00 to 13.00, from the 23rd of June and then also on Monday evenings from 19.00 to 21.00 from the 29th of June. We will continue to keep the opportunities under review. Please be in touch with the office, if you would like to join the team of volunteers to help supervise. A guide for volunteers is also available. Prayer and fasting day: Our next day is the 8th of July which will include slots for 24/7 prayer details to follow. Prayer meetings: We have a church prayer meeting each Friday at 10.00 via Zoom, for our church and community. Grab a coffee and join in. The link will be in the following email or contact the office. (please don’t share the link on social media) Missed any of the services? Catch up HERE. CAP: Our Debt centre is up and running, if you or someone you know needs their help please call the national helpline: 0800 328 0006. This Sunday on our live stream we continue our new series in 2 Timothy at 10am. Paul was restricted and locked up in prison and yet his heart, encouragement and instruction for Timothy and the church (which includes you and me) shines through. Why not take the opportunity to read his letter before the series starts! With my prayers for you all, God bless John Looking at Mark 1:9-11. God has chosen you! |
August 2024