Dear Friends, Advent is an opportunity to wake up to the light of hope. Why not allow His Spirit to wake the light of Jesus in us, explored in my latest video released today HERE. Please do join us for our live stream service at 10.30am this Sunday and every Sunday HERE. You can also catch up with our previous videos and services on our YouTube Channel. Including the newly added videos from Jess our Children’s worker from previous Sunday’s. Do subscribe to the channel to help us keep you updated. Click here to go to our YouTube channel. From Sunday 6th December, as well as the 10.30am live stream, we will also have in-person services:
Face-coverings will need to be worn in church, and once again, you will need to book via your place HERE. We currently are also planning to restart in person Bubbles, Splash and Extreme then. Further details next week. Our next 24-hour day of prayer and fasting is on Wednesday 9th December. If you would like to commit an hour to spend with God please do so via this link: Prayer meetings: We have a church prayer meeting each Friday at 10.00 am via Zoom, for our church and community. Grab a coffee and join in. The link will be in the following email or contact the office (please don’t share the link on social media). Children’s and Youth Ministry Please look out for our email updates. If you have not received it please contact the office.
Thank you to all who are reaching out to your friends and community at this time via text, calls and WhatsApp. If you or someone you know is in need of support at this time please do contact the office. Why not take some time this week to ask God, to place someone you know on your heart, and take the opportunity to contact them from church and perhaps offer to pray with them over the phone.
With my prayers for you all, God bless, John. Have you ever had one of those long, dark nights that seems to go on forever, when you felt alone and afraid? This week listen to John explore the image of light in Romans 13:11-12, and as we move into the season of Advent, preparing for the coming of Jesus, wake from your slumber and prepare for the coming day, the chance to step into the light of hope this Christmas. I am looking forward to welcoming you to our livestream at 10.30am this Sunday and every Sunday HERE. Our next video in our Thursday series images of light in scripture is out today. Do you feel as though you are trying to find a path through the darkness? Join me HERE as I explore Ps 119 and how we can tread safely into the unknown by placing ourselves in the hand of God. You can also catch up with our previous videos and services here on our you tube channel, Including the newly added videos from Jess our Children’s worker from previous Sunday’s. Do subscribe to the channel to help us keep you updated. Click here to go to our YouTube channel.
Further details of Church activities are below:
Prayer meetings: We have a church prayer meeting each Friday at 10.00 am via Zoom, for our church and community. Grab a coffee and join in. Contact the office for the link (please don’t share the link on social media). Children’s and Youth Ministry Please look out for our email updates. If you have not received it please contact the office. Time is running out to be a part of our Christmas Choir? You have two weeks left if you want to can join in this year – find out more details HERE. CAP at Christmas We are wishing to bless our CAP clients this Christmas, so if you'd like to buy a Christmas gift for a child for the CAP hampers, please contact the office (01920 487267 or [email protected]). This year we are looking to bless 18 children ranging in ages from a baby to older teenagers. Our partner, Hertford Foodbank are kindly preparing the Christmas food parcels for all of our CAP clients, for us to deliver. If you would like to make a financial donation to support our CAP debt centre and our clients this Christmas, please donate here or talk to the office. Thank you! Sam Rich, CAP Centre Manager. We invite you to be reaching out to your friends and community at this time via text, calls and WhatsApp. If you or someone you know is in need of support at this time please do contact the office. With my prayers for you all, God bless John |
January 2025