Dear Friends, This Sunday we continue our summer series on Learning from Proverbs– Living by Wisdom Proverbs 11 1-21. Do join us at 9 am or 10.30 am in church. You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30 am on our live stream. Just follow this link: If you have missed any of our services or want to watch them again do subscribe to our You Tube channel for all the latest updates and past video’s
SEVEN The next Seven Service is on 11th September 7pm When Dreams Change- We are running a free 4 week course exploring what happens when dreams change and how we process and adjust to our child’s additional needs. It will enable parents and carers of children with additional needs to reflect on their experience of their hopes and dream having to change and gives the opportunity to reflect on their emotions, support network and dreams for themselves. The course will start on Monday 19th September 7.30-9 in church and will continue on Monday 26th Sept, 3rd Oct and 17th Oct. To sign up please email the office. Can you help? Sunday morning children and youth- Did you know that we run 5 groups for our children and youth every Sunday morning? A minimum of 11 people is needed each week to enable these groups to run. We have a great team of volunteers but we really need more. Could you help once a month on a rota? Or if you feel you cannot commit to being on a regular rota, could you help just once a term? Could you support a child 1:1? Could you be on an emergency backup list for Jess to call on if a team member suddenly cannot do it? If you would like to know more about what happens in the groups, what the age groups are or how you can help then please do speak to Jess or email [email protected] Thank you Prayer Ministry Training As we continue to rebuild from COVID we are looking at redeveloping the Prayer Ministry team. If you are interested in prayer ministry on a Sunday, please let John Hookway know via the office. We are planning a training session on Monday 12th September at 8pm in Church In September – We will be looking at the Gospel of John, - Why not try to have a read of it during the summer holidays, in preparation for all that God is going to be staying to us It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…well not quite yet! We are beginning to plan our very special Children’s Christmas Eve Service and would love to hear from you if you would like to be involved in acting, props or costume making or any other skill you would like to contribute! Please speak to Jess or email [email protected] if you would like to be a part of this or want more information about what is involved. Christ Church Magazine – If you would like to contribute to the next issue of the magazine the deadline is 2nd September. Email [email protected] or speak to Joanne Beer Toddlers – Normal term starts back on 5th & 6th September. Service Rota – The next term service rota is now published on Church Builder. You should receive an Email to say what and when your duties are with a reminder the week and day before your duty is due to take place. If you are unable to do the dates you have been selected for, please request a swap with someone else who does a similar duty as you (this can all be done on church builder, via email). If you have been put on a duty you didn’t sign up for – sorry… or if you have any concerns, please let the office know. Thank you for your help it is greatly appreciated. All keen Cyclist and Walkers … This year’s annual Bike ‘n Hike – takes place on Saturday 10th September. It is run by Bed & Herts Historic Churches Trust, who kindly gave us a grant towards the refurbishment There are two ways you can get involved.
Giving at Christ Church All our ministries are generously supported by members of this church community. If you would like to join them in giving here is you can give by via bank transfer: Account name: Christ Church Ware PCC Account Number: 00086783 Sort Code: 40 52 40 or see the website: for more information. Comments are closed.
January 2025