![]() Hello Friends, We're continuing our series meditating on the 'I Am' sayings of Jesus to inject fresh hope into our hearts. Today we look at ‘I Am the Vine’ HERE. We are delighted that on Palm Sunday 28th March both our 9am and 10.30am services will take place in-person in church – remember you will need to book HERE and don’t forget to change your clocks – they go forward one hour. You can also join us as usual this Sunday (and every Sunday) at 10.30am on our live stream HERE. It is also available via our Facebook page or YouTube channel. Details of our Easter Services both in person and online can be found HERE. Again, please book your places. There will also be a children’s video with activity online for Good Friday. Youth and Children’s ministry continues to be online. Children’s Easter walk activity can be found HERE. There’s still time for anyone to join in our Yes and Amen Easter creation, full details are available HERE. Prayer meetings: We have a church prayer meeting each Friday at 10.00 am via Zoom, for our church and community. Grab a coffee and join in. The link will be in the following email or contact the office (please don’t share the link on social media). Do Subscribe to our YouTube channel for all the latest updates and past video’s. ACPM Providing the government regulations do not change the date of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting is Wednesday 28th April at 7.45 pm. As part of the preparation for the APCM we need to advise you that the church Electoral Role is being revised. If you are already on the role you need to do nothing. If you are not sure if you are on the role or if you are new to the church and would like to be included on the role please contact the church office on: [email protected] or 01920 487267. Electoral Roll What is the? The church’s Electoral Roll is the register of its voting members; it is a list of those qualified to attend and to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. The Electoral rolls provide an indication of the real membership and strength of the church. Who can be on the electoral Roll? Baptised adults (over 16 years) who live in the parish, or who have worshipped regularly at Christ Church for at least six months and are committed to being part of the life of the local Church of England congregation. Why Join? Enrolment is a way of saying....“I belong”. For us it is an act of commitment to Christ Church and the church as a whole. PCC This year we have three vacancies – if you are interested in standing please talk to either Bob or Cheryl or contact the office for a job description and more information. We also have a vacancy as a Deanery Synod representative for Christ Church- again we have a job description and one of our representatives would be happy to tell you about the role. Wombles Clean Up Ware
If you are of a certain age, you will no doubt remember the Wombles who kept Wimbledon Common litter free. Well, a lovely lady in Ware has set up a group called ‘The Wombles of Ware Abouts’. The idea is simple: you nominate yourself for a road and when you go on your daily exercise, take a bin bag and litter picker with you and pick up as you go. You can do as many or as few days as you like. This is a great way to show we care about God's world. If you would like to volunteer yourself, join the Facebook group ‘Wombles of Ware Abouts’. God Bless. John Comments are closed.
February 2025