Dear Friends, We are looking forward to seeing you either in-person or on-line for our Christmas services. This Sunday: 9am Holy Communion and 10.30*am in-person and online HERE This Sunday Carols by Candlelight - 2pm, 4pm, and 6.30 pm* Services marked * will also be streamed. Christmas Services in-person in church are as follows: 20th December Carols by Candlelight 2pm, 4pm, and 6.30 pm* 24th December Children’s Christmas Eve Service 2 pm and 4 pm* 24th December Christmas Eve Communion 11 pm 25th December Christmas Day Family Celebration 10 am* 27 December Reflective Service 10.30 am* Times marked * will also be on-line. Tickets for Christmas Services are available HERE and the church office. Please book your tickets now. Face-coverings will need to be worn in church.
The direct links for on-line Christmas Day and Sunday 27th December are: 25th December 10 am: 27th December 10:30 am: or available as normal via: Thank you to all those who have provided many presents for CAP families and the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. Please do be praying as they receive them that they will know even more of God’s love. Opportunities to explore Faith Alpha On-line A new course will run on-line on zoom on a Monday evening, 7.45 pm start, ending at 9.30 pm. The planned start date is Monday 25th January and the course will run for 6 weeks. If you are interested and would like want more information please contact Alpha via: [email protected] To register go to Highly recommended - The Bible Course Would you like to appreciate how the books of the Bible fit together to tell a unique story, forming the basis of our faith? Whether you are starting out with the Bible or have known it a long time, The Bible Course is a great resource to deepen our appreciation of how it can speak to us afresh. Each session of just over an hour has a combination of on-line teaching, a clear graphical course booklet, and group discussion. In the New Year many of our Life Groups will follow this journey by Zoom. We invite you, if you are not in one of our small groups, to join The Bible Course by participating in an existing group or a dedicated new group. This could be an eight-week commitment or a new chance to be encouraged by continuing to be a part of a group. If you would like to participate or need further information please contact Richard Jarvest ([email protected]) or phone 01920 487267 or email the church office [email protected] The Bereavement Journey We are hosting the Bereavement Journey for all those who have suffered loss this year starting on 2nd February 2021, further details in the New Year. Prayer meetings: We have a church prayer meeting each Friday at 10.00 am via Zoom, for our church and community. Grab a coffee and join in. The link will be in the following email or contact the office (please don’t share the link on social media).
Children’s and Youth Ministry Please look out for our email updates. If you have not received it please contact the office. In-person Bubbles, Splash and Xtreme on 20th December 10.30 mornings. With my prayers for you all. God bless. John. Comments are closed.
February 2025