Dear Friends,
A secret signal to the people of God find out what it is in our ‘Characters of Faith’ video out today at 12.00 which can be found HERE. Prayer and fasting day: 10th June. It’s a 24-hour day of prayer. Church members who are physically well enough are encouraged to take part in fasting for a mealtime or for the whole day. I would love you to join me and commit to an hour slot to pray, from 00.01am until 11.59pm on Wednesday 10 June, in whatever setting you feel comfortable. Please let the office know when you’re planning to, and then afterwards please share if you have any words or pictures. Prayer meetings: We have a church prayer meeting each Friday at 10.00 via Zoom, for our church and community. Grab a coffee and join in. The link will be in the following email or contact the office. (please don’t share the link on social media) Missed any of the services? Catch up HERE. Looking for accommodation in Ware: Nathanael Hughes is going to be moving to the area to commence a yearlong placement with GSK as part of his degree at the end of June and is currently looking for accommodation. He has asked if anyone in the church may have a room spare or whether there are any links to places with rooms to rent. Do be in touch with him HERE if you can help. This Sunday on our live stream we start a new series in 2 Timothy at 10.00am HERE. Paul was restricted and locked up in prison and yet his heart, encouragement and instruction for Timothy and the church (which includes you and me) shines through. Why not take the opportunity to read his letter before the series starts! With my prayers for you all, God bless John Comments are closed.
February 2025