![]() Dear Friends This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, when the Holy Spirit was first poured out for all people. God is still active by His Spirit today, and wants you to be refreshed, renewed, equipped and empowered. Why not spend some time in preparation asking God to meet with you again? If you want to know more about the Holy Spirit do see my previous video here: Bible Insights for Your Life of Faith 5: Being Filled With The Spirit – YouTube Sunday Services We look forward to welcoming you to our Sunday 9am and 10.30am services in church. Book your place for all in person services and children’s and youth groups at the 10.30am service via: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/christ-church-ware-30649640088 You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30am on our live stream. Just follow this link https://www.christchurchware.co.uk/live-stream.html If you have missed any of our services or want to watch them again do subscribe to our You Tube channel for all the latest updates and past video’s www.youtube.com/ChristChurchWare Children’s Update Children’s church - As we get used to meeting together again and look to run all of our children’s Sunday morning activities we need to expand our pool of volunteers. Could this be you? A commitment to help even just once a month would be much appreciated. The children are great fun to be around and this is such an exciting ministry to be a part of. Creche update - We are planning and hoping to be able to offer some form of crèche facility on a Sunday morning for our very youngest members. We are looking to have this available from Sunday 6th or 13th June. We do not know quite yet what this will look and feel like, however we know that those of you with young children will value it. Further details will be available in the next couple of weeks. Youth Ministry update As we continue to enjoy meeting in-person on Sundays and mid-week on we really need more helpers especially on Sunday morning. If you are at all interested in helping please do speak to Jess. Summer Update Our Summer activities mornings – Summer Blast! – are in the planning stage. Sign up to help and save the date to help at Summer Blast! We will be running 3 activity mornings on the 10th, 17th and 24th August for 5-11 year olds and 3rd August for under 5s. If you are interested in helping at one or all of these then please do get in touch with Jess. Further details on how to book children in will come in due course but currently we need the team to enable this to happen. I promise it will be lots of fun- don’t miss out! Any questions get in touch. Any and all offers of help please contact Jess [email protected] 07776 596561 United Breaks Out. New Wine Save the date Thursday 29 July – Tuesday 3 August 2021, as we will be connecting as a church here in Ware, with the New Wine Summer Conference. Details available here United Breaks Out - New Wine (new-wine.org) If you want a flavour of what New Wine is about please go to: United Breaks Out | Save The Date - YouTube Life Groups If you are not currently part of a life group and would like to get connected, please do contact the office. Prayer Meetings We have a church prayer meeting each Friday at 10.00am via Zoom, for our church and community. Grab a coffee and join in. The link will be in the following email or contact the office (please don’t share the link on social media). Working Party Needed As church continues to look to open and restart activities we are seeking two or three volunteers who would be willing to do a deep clean in the church centre kitchens. They have not been used for over a year so everything needs to be taken out of the cupboards and washed, the cupboards need to be wiped out and also the cookers need to be cleaned. If you can help please let the office know. Thank you and God bless John and the Christ Church Team Comments are closed.
February 2025