Dear Friends, This Sunday we continue our sermon series on Living a Mission Shaped Life – Courage Acts 4:23-31. Do join us at 9 am or 10.30 am in church. You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30 am on our live stream. Just follow this link: If you have missed any of our services or want to watch them again do subscribe to our You Tube channel for all the latest updates and past video’s Guest Preacher 22nd May 9am and 10:30am – Emmanuel Murangira, Tear Fund Country Director Rwanda. Come and find out about our partnership and the amazing stories of what God is doing. SEVEN This next Seven Service is on 22nd May – Dating, Sex and Marriage – Gods Perfect Plan (part one). 29th May (part two) Dating, Sex and Marriage in an imperfect world To celebrate Martin’s retirement, BBQ on 21st May 6:30-10pm We will be holding a BBQ with Music, Fun, drinks and a presentation for all that Martin and Jane have done for the Christ Church Family. Deadline for booking tickets (18thMay) Tickets will be available next week £10 adults, £6 under 18’s family tickets will also be available. If you would like to assist in; setting up, Barbequing, playing Music, clearing up – please contact the office. A messages book is at the back of church for you to write in; with a memories, thanks and messages for Martin. Alternatively, if you would like to Email in your message into the office we will add it to the book. If you would like to contribute to Martin’s leaving gift; please contact Sam Rich or donate in separate envelope in the Church collection or Click Here Sunday Welcome Team – THIS SUNDAY If you are currently part of the team who welcome folk to church on Sundays (Warden Deputy Warden, Sidesperson or Welcome team) or indeed would like to be party of the team, then you are warmly invited to a thank you and refresher evening on This Sunday 15th May at 7pm in Church. There will be refreshments, a chance to talk about the role of meeting and greeting, give you a refresher after the disruption of Covid and the disjointed 2 years we have had, a chance to ask questions and most important to say a big thank you to you all. APCM The annual Church Meeting will take place Wednesday 18thMay, 7:45pm in Church, when we gather to celebrate and give thanks to all that God has done in the last year and to elect our Wardens and PCC members. PCC Vacancies This year we have 3 vacancies this year for PCC trustees. Please do have a look at the attached role descriptions for a PCC trustee, PCC secretary and Deanery Synod Representative to give you a better understanding of the roles. The PCC Secretary is key so please do be praying for this role. Please do talk to a Church warden, vicar or current PCC member if you would like to know more or apply. Summer BLAST We planning a 3 mornings of summer activities for children during the summer holiday (2nd, 9th, 16th August). Come along and be involved in the shaping and planning of the activities - meeting on Monday 6th June 8pm in Church. If you are unable to attend but would like to be involved, please contact Jess via the Church Office. DIY SOS We are looking for volunteers to help in preparing 10 Cromwell Road, ready for Marcus & Judith Harts arrival. Jobs to be done are: Painting, Decorating, Gardening, trips to dump & odd jobs. If you would like to get involved, please speak Richard Clayden via the office. Many Thanks. MADD in May We have arrived in the month of May 2022, that means the next MADD meeting looms: Meeting details - Thursday 19th May 2022, 11.15am for coffee/tea, meeting at 11.30am, in Christ Church, Ware. There will be a review of recent activities, discussion on July’s meeting and a short quiz. All men are welcome! Gwen Easter - Many of you will have known Gwen who was a faithful member of the Church for many years. Her Funeral Service will be at Christ Church on Thursday 26th May at 12:15 Giving at Christ Church
All our ministries are generously supported by members of this church community. If you would like to join them in giving here is you can give by via bank transfer: Account name: Christ Church Ware PCC Account Number: 00086783 Sort Code: 40 52 40 or see the website: for more information. God bless, John and the Christ Church Team. Comments are closed.
February 2025