Dear Friends, This Sunday at 9am Service are exploring Living the Light of Eternity – Sure of the Future, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and the 10:30am Service is Exploring Just Another Monday – Our Attitudes Matter, Romans 12 1-3. Do join us at 9 am or 10.30 am in church. You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30 am on our live stream. Just follow this link: This Week Monthly prayer meeting Monday 18th September 10-11am in the Youth Wing Church Centre (3rd Monday).Everyone is welcome to join us to pray for the world, local community, and life at Christ Church. Would you like to come to the seaside? Please arrange to car share wherever possible- especially offering a lift to those unable to drive there. Our beach spot has ramp access so wheelchairs and buggy’s will have full access. The ramp also provides some shelter from the wind. There are a couple of kiosks serving ice creams and drinks really close to our spot, as well as other options on the pier and in the high street. Where will we meet at 11am? If you are looking out to sea, we will meet at the beach immediately on the right of the pier. We will have Christ Church red banners up so you can find us! Parking free on street parking, alternatively there are three car parks highlighted in the map, we would recommend Church Road Car Park. SEVEN The next Seven Service is on Sunday 24thh September – 7pm in Church. Seven Service is on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at 7pm. SEVEN is a lively, spirit led service with worship, teaching and fellowship. We meet together after the service socially; it would be good to see you. For further details please contact Marcus Hart - [email protected]
JOIN IN! Would you like to be involved? Join In is an event for parents/carers and children to come to together, with bouncy castle, soft play, games, crafts, Bible story and café. We are running two Join In days on Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24thOctober, and we need your help! We have increased to two days due to the number of people who want to come along to this event (which is very exciting!!) Monday 10-12am and 2-4pm and Tuesday 10-12am and 1-2.30pm (SEN session) Team would be required to be there 30 mins before session start time for prayer and briefing. Help needed with- Welcome, monitor inflatables, serve refreshments, chat/pray with adults, craft, bake a cake, move chairs. Dates for the Diary: 26th September 11AM – 12:30PM – Alpha Day Time Course Starts– Videos, Discussion, Tea & Cake 27th September 2:30-3:30pm – Wednesday Welcome 1st October 9am & 10:30 – Harvest Service 12th October – Ministry Leaders from across the church are invited to an evening social and teaching, more details to follow. Saturday 25th November 9:30am - 3:30pm Need help talking about Jesus? A day that will up skill you in how to have natural conversations about your faith in Jesus with your friends and colleagues (without sounding weird!) OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics To sign up For further details please contact Marcus Hart [email protected] Children’s Ministry Update We have not yet appointed someone to the role of maternity cover for the assistant children’s role while Lizzie is on maternity leave. However, this appointment is still open if you are interested. Therefore, we are asking for some extra help in the following ways to help support the children’s ministry over the next few months.
Prayer Space In the prayer area at the back of church there are cards for you to leave a; Testimony, Things to Pray for, as well as words for us as a Church. The Staff team will then take time to pray during for them during the week. Please place completed cards in the offertory box or give to a member of the clergy. Giving at Christ Church All our ministries are generously supported by members of this church community. If you would like to join them in giving you can give via bank transfer: Account name: Christ Church Ware PCC Account Number: 00086783 Sort Code: 40 52 40 Click Here further details. Office – 01920 487267 [email protected] Follow us on Instagram @christchurchware Office opening hours 09:00 – 13:00 Monday to Thursday & 09:00 – 12:30 Fridays Comments are closed.
January 2025