Dear Friends, I am excited about our new Thursday series Images of Light in Scripture which is out today… HERE. As the nights are drawing in and winter approaches, bringing with it a sense of darkness, so our new teaching series helps us to focus on God's light of hope, exploring images of light in the Bible. Join John for this first episode looking at the very beginning in the book of Genesis, and God speaking light into existence in the darkness of chaos. Please do join us for our live stream service at 10.30am this Sunday and every Sunday. Why not have a Zoom with your Life Group or friends after church to reflect on all that God is saying to us through the service this week. During Lockdown Our live stream service at 10.30 am is continuing each week as are our days of prayer and fasting (2nd Wednesday of the month) and Friday prayers via Zoom. CAP is continuing its ministry of supporting some of our most vulnerable at this time. A number of other groups are also still providing support. Our Youth and Children’s ministry is on-line and our life groups are all still there to support and encourage. We invite you to be reaching out to your friends and community at this time via text, calls and WhatsApp. If you or someone you know is in need of support at this time please do contact the office. Further details of our activities are below... Prayer meetings: We have a church prayer meeting each Friday at 10.00am via Zoom, for our church and community. Grab a coffee and join in. For the link please contact the office (please don’t share the link on social media). Children’s and Youth Ministry Please look out for our email updates. If you have not received it please contact the office.
Contact with Church As I am sure you know in-person church services have been suspended during Lockdown 2. I want to encourage you all to look out for one another during the coming month. Please if you are able do ring or text a friend or neighbour and listen to them and perhaps offer to pray with them over the phone. If you were one of our volunteers who called people during Lockdown 1 would you consider contacting any on your list who are isolated or vulnerable just to ensure they are okay. And finally if you would like a call from the church during the next month just let the office know 01920 487267 or [email protected] and we will ensure that you are supported. The church office is open on a rota basis for emails and phone calls. If you need help with any debt issues from CAP please contact 0800 328 0006 in the first instance. Do subscribe to our YouTube Channel and enjoy all of our current and past series: Let us continue to be praying for each other and finding ways of sharing the hope of Jesus throughout this time.
With my prayers for you all, God bless, John. Comments are closed.
January 2025