Dear Friends We continue the sermon series is on Discipleship – Gift of Serving, Luke 22:24-27 Do join us at 9 am or 10.30 am in church. You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30 am on our live stream. Just follow this link: SEVEN
The Seven Service is this Sunday 10th at 7pm – Love for Money Seven Service is on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month. SEVEN is a lively, spirit lead service with worship, teaching and fellowship. We meet together after the service socially, it would be good to see you. Giving at Christ Church Thank you for the generosity shown on Giving Sunday – your support is greatly appreciated. If you would still like to contribute Click Here to find out how to give, or speak to Sam Rich, Treasurer Service of the Word – 10th February 12:15pm in Church (after the Friday Coffee Morning 10-12). This service will be on the second Friday of the month. The service is an opportunity for people to attend church during the week and to connect with God. Assistant Children’s Pastor (Part-time) – This is an exciting opportunity to be involved in our ministry here. For further details Assistant Children's Pastor Job Advert - Christ Church ( Closing date 27th February ASH Wednesday Service – Wednesday 22nd February, 8pm - come and join us for the evening as we celebrate the start of lent, all the church family including life groups are encouraged to come along as we kick off our six week study series titled ‘Prayer & Listening’. Prayer & Listening’ Life group bible study material looking at different examples of praying in the bible and working out how we can practise these in our own lives. There’s not just one way to pray, God embraces all different styles. Would you like to join a life group for the six weeks? Or commit to attending your group every week for this series? Life groups are small groups of adults in the church who meet on a regular basis to pray, read the bible, socialise, and share life together. For some this means meeting with friends over coffee, for others this group is the people they serve(volunteer) with. We urge you to consider whether you’d like to join a life group, help us form a new life group, or sign up your friendship group/hobby group as a life group. Matthew 18:20 ‘For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.’ Sunday Parking - Due to the congestion in the Church carpark between the services on Sundays, Christ Church in cooperation with the School, have arranged for the school playground to be opened for the congregation of the 10:30 service for car parking. Access will only be from Bowling Road from 10:00am. The school carpark will not be accessible to cars from New Road. There is Pedestrian access to the Church. The Bowling Road school gate will be closed and locked at 12:30pm JOIN IN – Monday 13th February We need lots of lovely CAKES – please bring either on Sunday or early Monday morning.
Easter Explored! 26th – 30th March We are running Easter Explored this year. We will take people through the journey of Easter and tell the story of Jesus in a multi-sensory and interactive way by transforming the church into different scenes Setting up on Sunday 26th March and then running throughout the week till Thurs 30th March. We need a team of people who would like to help plan, act, welcome and set up- there is something for everyone to get involved with! Do you have these items of the week? Please contact [email protected] Giving at Christ Church All our ministries are generously supported by members of this church community. If you would like to join them in giving you can give via bank transfer: Account name: Christ Church Ware PCC Account Number: 00086783 Sort Code: 40 52 40 Click Here for further details Comments are closed.
February 2025