Dear Friends, We continue our series looking exploring the Gospel through Romans, the Good News of Jesus, what it means for us and how we share it. The life groups will be following along with the Bible Society's Romans course. If you would like to join a group please let the office know or if you want to study it in your prayer triplet or with friends contact the office for the resource. This Sunday looking at Sin What is wrong with the World? Romans 1:18-23; 2:1-3 & 3:19-20,23 Join us at 9 am or 10.30 am in church. You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30 am on our live stream. Live Stream link: Please do listen to last weeks introduction in the talk Sunday 7th January 2024 10.30am Live Stream (
If you wish to get a copy of the book that goes with the course - A Letter That Makes Sense of Life Andrew Ollerton --- Children start in Church --- Good News of Jesus While we are exploring the Gospel we are inviting you in this New Year to be praying for 5 friends or family to come to know Jesus for themselves. Why not pray for them in your Lifegroup or Prayer Triplet this week. Service of the Word – Friday 12th January 12:15pm in Church (after the Friday Coffee Morning 10-12). This service will be on the second Friday of the month. The service is an opportunity for people to attend church during the week and to connect with God. SEVEN The Seven Service is – 14th January 7pm in Church – The Gospel of John. Seven Service is on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at 7pm. Monthly prayer meeting Monday 15th January 10-11am in the Youth Wing Church Centre (3rd Monday). Why not come and join us at the beginning of the New Year as we pray for the world, local community and life at Christ Church. Toddlers- We are starting back at Toddlers on 15th & 16th January (this is a later start than normal) Interested in exploring the Christian Faith? Why not Join Alpha Alpha is a series that explores the basics of the Christian faith in a welcoming, open and friendly environment. It’s free and there’s no pressure or follow up Everyone’s welcome. When: Tuesday 30th January, 7:45pm including dinner Where: In Church To register your interest Men Active During the Day –As we settle into 2024, put the Christmas decorations away and venture into the new year; we turn our thoughts to the January MADD MEETING…... Thursday 18th January 2024, 11.30am, Christ Church, Ware. Guest & topic - Richard Clayden on 'How God used Jehovah Witnesses to lead to personal revival.’ Welcome - All men who are available are very, very welcome! Inter-church Quiz – Friday 25th January 2024 - Christ Church will be hosting the Ware Inter-church Quiz on Friday 26th January 2024 at 7.30 p.m. Interested teams (maximum 8 people) should register with Christ Church Office by phone (01920 487267) or email ([email protected]). Any individuals not in teams can be grouped on the night. We will not be providing food, so please bring your own nibbles and drinks (alcoholic drinks allowed). Tea and coffee and coffee will be available. All money raised will be going to the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance . The suggested donation is £10 per head (cash on the night please). The Churches Together service for the week of Christian Unity is at 11am 24th January at St Mary Church Hall with a simple lunch afterwards if you would like to stay. JOIN IN! Monday 19th Feb (10-12am & 2-4pm ) and Tuesday 20th Feb (10-12am & SEN 1-2.30pm) Event for parents/carers and children to come to together with bouncy castle, soft play, games, crafts, Bible story and café. Help- Can you help with any of these areas Welcome, monitor inflatables, serve refreshments, chat and pray with adults, craft, bake a cake. Please contact Jess [email protected] Pray Reset New Wine Women’s Day- 3rd February 9.30-4, Emmanuel Church, Northwood. All ages of women from Christ Church will be attending this day of worship, prayer, and teaching, please make sure you have booked your ticket as soon as possible. Please email [email protected] so she knows who is going and can help co-ordinate lifts. There are some funded tickets available if that enables you to join us. Evening Prayer Meeting - Would you like to be involved in a regular evening prayer meeting? please let us know so that we can put you in touch with others who are keen to be a part of this. Contact [email protected] Dates for the diary Friday 26th January - Inter-church Quiz 3rd February – Reset New Wine Women’s Day 19th & 20th February – JOIN IN 25th February - Newcomers Welcome Lunch after the 10.30 service The Bereavement Journey Seven free sessions of films and discussion for anyone bereaved anytime, whether grieving a death now, or wanting to explore a previous bereavement that may be unresolved. This course is for bereaved adults to do their own grief work. Join us in church Monday 5th February for seven weeks 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Please contact the Rachel Quinlan for a registration form: [email protected] Eco Church Eco tip for February: Empty plastic bottles that held food or drink, toiletries or household cleaners can be put (without their tops or pumps) in your Blue topped recycle box. Did you know that one recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours. Plastic can take up to 500 years or more to decompose. Prayer Space In the prayer area at the back of church there are cards for you to leave a; Testimony, Things to Pray for, as well as words for us as a Church. The Staff team will then take time to pray during for them during the week. Please place completed cards in the offertory box or give to a member of the clergy. For 24/7 urgent (and confidential) prayer requests please send an email to [email protected]. Giving at Christ Church All our ministries are generously supported by members of this church community. If you would like to join them in giving you can give via bank transfer: Account name: Christ Church Ware PCC Account Number: 00086783 Sort Code: 40 52 40 Click Here further details Comments are closed.
February 2025