Dear Friends,
We continue our series on Encountering Jesus in John’s Gospel – The Gift of Healing, Trusting Jesus - John 4:43-54. Do join us at 9 am or 10.30 am in church. You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30 am on our live stream. Just follow this link: If you have missed any of our services or want to watch them again do subscribe to our You Tube channel for all the latest updates and past video’s SEVEN This Sundays Seven service on 23rd October 2022. We are continuing to look at Ephesians – Live worthy – children of the light. SEVEN is a lively, spirit led service with worship, teaching and fellowship. We meet together after the service socially, it would be good to see you. Join IN Event 24th October Good news the morning has sold out, we still have afternoon spaces We are running another free, fun filled morning of games, crafts, bible storytelling for children and their parents/carers to come along to:
Job Opportunities Operations Manager (part-time 25hrs) Full details here Networking, Events and Volunteer Coordinator (part-time 15hrs) Full details here We are looking for a Parish Operations Manager and Networking, Events and Volunteer Coordinator to join our management/leadership team. The ministry of the church is extensive, vibrant, diverse and is being further developed, as we see God at work in our community. These roles are an opportunity to support the Church’s mission and ministry in a wide range of management activities based on the skills of the successful applicant. CAP Money Course CAP Money is a simple, yet highly effective money management course that teaches people budgeting skills and a cash-based system that really works. This (3 evening) course will help anyone to get more in control of their finances, so they can save, give and prevent debt. The course will be held on 10th, 17th & 24th November at 8:00pm in the Centre Centre. Christ Church Ware has partnered with Christians Against Poverty to offer CAP Money courses in our community. The service we offer is completely free. If you would like to attend Register . If you are unable to make these dates but would be interested in attending a similar course please contact the office. Christmas Choir We are delighted that Mark Dillon has agreed to lead the choir for the Carols by Candle light service. Rehearsals be on Tuesday‘s, 7.30 – 9.15 pm in church (15th, 22nd, 29th Nov & 6th, 13th December). All abilities welcome, come along and have a go! Enthusiasm is more important that musical ability. Further reminder nearer the time. OASIS – Solo Parenting Group - Saturday 29th October 4.00 – 7.00pm Church Centre (Bonfire/Sparklers/Quiz/Hot Dogs) If you are a single parent then this is for you. Join us for an afternoon of activities, crafts, games and an opportunity to chat and make new friends. Big Questions - Tuesday 15th November 7:30pm Memorial Hall An evening to explore one of the big questions of faith and life. The evening will have a short talk, discussion and space for a Q&A. All enjoyed with Tea & Cake. Please contact the office for more details Harvest a great big Thank you. Because of your generosity, 26 large bags full of various items were donated to Hertford and ware Foodbank. Thank you. If you weren’t able to support but still wanted to do something for Harvest, the PCC, has also made a donation to support Charlotte Boulton and this aspect of the The Dust Project and Paalam Project. The areas the food parcels were given were Kelaniya and (Mahara) Kadawatha. These places have been identified by the local MoH (Ministry of Health) with a huge need for aid for pregnant women. Previously, the Health departments provided packs of Triposha and additional supplements for women when visiting the clinic for their monthly check-ups, but due to the economic crisis this had to be stopped - many women are now more vulnerable to being undernourished, having underdeveloped babies and experiencing difficult pregnancies/births. If you would like to join in you can or via PayPal - Each food pack costs £25 - 10,000 Rps and provides enough nutritious food for a pregnant lady & family for 1 month. The packs contain: 200g jaggery, 1kg white sugar, 1kg chickpeas, 10kg rice, 1kg dhal, 400g tea leaves, 200g dry fish (nethili), Cream crackers, 1kg potatoes, 1kg onions, 500g spring onions, 200g dry soya meat, Noodles, 1kg plain flour, 1kg string hopper flour, 200g Yahaposha, 200g garlic, Panadol, 1kg salt, 1kg margarine, 100g chilli flakes, Vim cleaner, Sliced bread loaf, 1L UHT milk, Body wash soap bars, 1kg washing powder. Operation Christmas Child 2022 . Can you find the time to fill a shoe box with a few inexpensive gifts? This year, many shoeboxes will be going to Ukraine or to neighbouring countries that have taken in refugees. If you wish to prepare a box or boxes, just follow the instructions on the latest leaflet which are available from Andrew Du Boulay. Please take your filled shoebox gifts or fillers to the church but only during National Collections Week (14th to 21st November). The church will be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday in that period from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. As an alternative, you can prepare a box entirely online. It costs £20 If you have any questions, please contact Andrew du Boulay [email protected] Giving at Christ Church All our ministries are generously supported by members of this church community. If you would like to join them in giving you can give via bank transfer: Account name: Christ Church Ware PCC Account Number: 00086783 Sort Code: 40 52 40 or see the website: for more information. Comments are closed.
February 2025