Dear Friends We continue the sermon series is on Discipleship – Learning Together, Philippians 4:8-9; Colossians 3:16 Do join us at 9 am or 10.30 am in church. You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30 am on our live stream. Just follow this link: SEVEN This Sunday’s Seven Service is on The Sermon on the Mount focusing on the Beatitudes The Seven Service is at 7pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month. SEVEN is a lively, spirit lead service with worship, teaching and fellowship. We meet together after the service socially, it would be good to see you. Service of Week of Christian Unity – 19th January 7:30pm at Sacred Heart Church King Edward's Rd, Ware SG12 7EJ Life Group Leaders Meeting – 23rd January 8pm We will walk through the Bible study material for Lent, have an opportunity to share with each other and answer any questions. Alpha 24th January – 14th March. 7.30 – 9.15pm THIS WEEK – Not to late to come “Alpha is a chance to explore life and the Christian Faith in a friendly, open and informal environment” If you have a friend or family member who might be interested in exploring the Christian faith why not invite them to Alpha. There will be food, a short talk and a time to discuss the talk and much more. If helps with catering if you Register your interest at [email protected] Growing Hope – 26th January 7:30 – 9pm Growing Hope is a charity that offers free therapy to children with additional needs and their families in partnership with local churches across the UK. Growing Hope’s aim is to grow ‘Hope for children, hope for families and hope in Jesus’. Visit our website to find out more: As Christ Church looks to support this charity and promote accessibility at church we would love to invite you to an ‘Info Evening’ to hear a little more about what it might look like to open a Therapy Clinic at Christchurch to support the wider community of East Hertfordshire. Please come along to Christ Church Ware on Thursday 26th January at 7:30 - 9pm. Spread the word to anyone in East Hertfordshire who might be interested. Everyone is welcome – more, the merrier! See flyer attached. Please sign up here: Wednesday Welcome – 25th January 2:30 – 3:30pm This week Louise Brett our Assistant Pastor will be talking to us on Who I am and what I’m up to…. Wednesday Welcome meets on the Fourth Wednesday of each month 2.30 to 3.30pm Church Centre . They meet to share news and prayer requests and there is a chance to get to know people over tea and biscuits. There is a short service with a speaker often from Christ Church giving a bible-based talk. This group provides a network and care for members Life Groups Life groups are small groups of adults in the church who meet on a regular basis to pray, read the bible, socialise, and share life together. For some this means meeting with friends over coffee, for others this group is the people they serve(volunteer) with. We urge you to consider whether you’d like to join a life group, help us form a new life group, or sign up your friendship group/hobby group as a life group. We release central material and support whilst understanding that each group is unique. Matthew 18:20 ‘For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.’ For further details please contact the office Oasis - 28th January 4-7pm Church Centre If you are a single parent then this is for you. Oasis is held on last Saturday of every month. Join us for an afternoon of activities, crafts, games and an opportunity to chat and make new friends. For further information, please contact the Office or email [email protected] JOIN IN – Monday 13th February We are running another free, fun filled morning of games, crafts, bible storytelling for children and their parents/carers to come along Help Required If you have helped before THANK YOU so much and we would love you to help again. If you have never helped before come and join the fun. Help required for refreshments, crafts, welcome, bouncy castle, door duty, someone available to chat or pray with people as needed, baking a cake (for one or both of the sessions) Please speak to Jess or email [email protected]
Easter Explored! 26th – 30th March We are running Easter Explored this year. We will take people through the journey of Easter and tell the story of Jesus in a multi-sensory and interactive way by transforming the church into different scenes. It will be a great outreach event which we will invite local schools to. We did it 6 years ago and I have heard many great stories and so am excited to be running it again this year, especially because the church building now gives us so many exciting possibilities to get creative. Setting up on Sunday 26th March and then running throughout the week til Thurs 30th March. If you would like to be involved then I would love to hear from you please! We will be needing people who would like to help plan, get creative, source items, climb ladders, act, welcome- there is something for everyone to get involved with! Please contact Jess on [email protected] or 07776596561 CAP – If you or someone you know are feeling weighed down by debt or struggling financially. Christ Church Ware runs the local debt centre for CAP. You can contact them on 0800 328 006 or visit their website New Wine A group from Christ Church are going again to Week A 26th- 30th July full booking details here. Please note that early bird finishes end of January. If you have never been before and would like to know more speak to John Hookway, Louise Brett or Mark Hallett. East Herts Council Car Park (Kibes Lane) – please be aware of changes to parking charges especially on Sundays Car Parks in Ware | East Herts District Council Giving at Christ Church All our ministries are generously supported by members of this church community. If you would like to join them in giving you can give via bank transfer: Account name: Christ Church Ware PCC Account Number: 00086783 Sort Code: 40 52 40 Click Here for further details Comments are closed.
February 2025