Dear Friends, We continue the sermon series is on Encountering Jesus in John’s Gospel – A Special Encounter 12:1-11 Do join us at 9 am or 10.30 am in church. You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30 am on our live stream. Just follow this link: Easter Online
Maundy Thursday at 8pm reflection and Good Friday at 10:30am reflection (both online are pre-recorded). Easter Sunday at 10:30am is live streamed. Good Friday Church Together Walk of Witness departs from Kibes Lane car park at 9am for Tudor Square for Service SEVEN The next Seven Service is on 23rd April Seven Service is on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at 7pm. SEVEN is a lively, spirit lead service with worship, teaching and fellowship. We meet together after the service socially; it would be good to see you. Join In Easter Café and Craft 10.30-12 on Monday 3rd April (in the Centre) for children aged 3+ with their parents/carers. Children Easter Explored! Wow what an amazing week! We have had over 1000 children/adults visiting us at Easter Explored this week. We have seen beautiful reactions from the children as they enter the church and especially when our narrators turn water into wine! We have had lots of very positive feedback, it has been exhausting but worth it. We have really loved sharing with them the journey of Easter and telling them the story of Jesus A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has helped to make this possible from allowing us to borrow your “stuff”, helping us set up and clear down, painting scenery, being narrators, being behind the scenes literally and all your support and prayers - JESS If you have lent anything you wish to be returned, please check on the Mezzanine or contact the office. How to warm up to maintain a healthy singing voice workshop – Tuesday 4th April 7:30pm Christ Church Centre Jo Pierce (qualified voice teacher & musical director) will be running a FREE practical, fun workshop covering; physical and vocal warms up you can use when singing at church to keep your voice healthy. If you currently sing in the worship bands or are interested in singing in this is for you. Welcome to adults and young people in year 7 and over. For all levels of experience. Contact the Church office if you are interested. Service of the Word – 14th April 12:15pm in Church (after the Friday Coffee Morning 10-12). This service will be on the second Friday of the month. The service is an opportunity for people to attend church during the week and to connect with God. Children & Youth Picnic – SAVE THE DATE - 16th April after 10:30am Service School Field/Church Centre. Bring along your Lunch. Toddler Assistance Toddlers runs on Mondays and Tuesdays 9.30-11am during term time. This is an incredible opportunity to connect with the community, giving parents and carers a safe space to come to whilst their children play. The group is run by a supportive and dedicated team. Roles include;
Childrens Work T Shirt Do you have a rogue Orange Childrens Work T Shirt in your Wardrobe? Our collection of T-shirts is running low and we have some future events coming up. If possible, could you please return any to the office. Women’s Ministry Event – SAVE THE DATE – 17th June at Christ Church, timings tbc- likely to be afternoon and early evening. Please email [email protected] if you’d like to help. ECO Church We are a Silver Award holder with Eco Church Eco Church - An A Rocha UK Project We are looking for people who are willing to help our Eco Church Group which is being reinvigorated – if you are interested in things environmental and the churches response to the call to be more environmentally conscious – please pass your details to the office – Paul Watson Giving at Christ Church All our ministries are generously supported by members of this church community. If you would like to join them in giving you can give via bank transfer: Account name: Christ Church Ware PCC Account Number: 00086783 Sort Code: 40 52 40 Click Here further details Comments are closed.
February 2025