SUNDAYS Hopefully you will have heard John’s announcements on Sunday concerning Sunday services. As we adapted to living with Covid 19, the church is finding new ways to stay connected with and connect with new people. To help in delivering this new pattern of services and to cover individuals who as yet, are unable to take up serving roles, we are keen to recruit some new helpers For both services we need to increase the number of people who are willing to read the bible or lead our prayers. 9am service - we need a couple of additionally helpers to be part of the welcome team and a couple of people to help with the sound desk- it is straight forward and training will be given. 10.30 am service - Online welcomer- this role will be to greet people as they join the service online, using Facebook and to respond to comments- a role description and guidance will be available. Sound & Media team- we are losing a couple of our operatives and need to recruit some more. Full training will be provided. Live stream operator- we need to build a team to operate the technical side of “live streaming “the service. Once again full training will be provided. If you fancy finding out about any of the above roles or wish to volunteer, please do contact the office APCM The annual church meeting is provisionally booked for Wednesday 7th October. We are currently working on the plans for the meeting and it is likely to be a mixture of an in person meeting with worship and an interactive virtual meeting. More details will be shared soon. Church Electoral Role: The annual revision of the Church Electoral Role is underway. If you think you should be on it please check the copy by the West Door in church or call the office. If you would like to be on it please call the office for a form which must be returned by 24th September. What is the Electoral Roll? The church’s Electoral Roll is the register of its voting members; it is a list of those qualified to attend and to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Electoral rolls provide an indication of the real membership and strength of the church. Who can be on the electoral Roll? Baptised adults (over 16 years) who live in the parish, or who have worshipped regularly at Christ Church for at least six months and are committed to being part of the life of the local Church of England congregation. Why Join? Enrolment is a way of saying....“I belong”. For us it is an act of commitment to Christ Church and the church as a whole. We are also seeking volunteers to fill the following roles: Four places for Deanery Synod Representatives- If you would like to know more about being a Deanery Synod representative, helping to shape the future of the Church of England, please contact the office who will put you in contact with one of our current representatives who would be very happy to tell you more about this rewarding and important role within the Church. The Deanery synod currently meets 4 times per year. Four members to be elected to the PCC. – The PCC are the trustees of the church and in this role you will shape the vision of the church, ensuring the church is well run, fulfilling its legal duties and supporting the vicar and wardens. Again if interested please contact the office. COVID 19 and Ministry update As the nation settles into the new normal, whatever that may be, we at Christ Church are following the government and Church of England guidance and this is shaping our next steps. We are recommencing our children’s and young people’s work on a Sunday and exploring how midweek youth groups can happen on Wednesday and Thursday nights. If you would like to involved with the young people as a helper on either Sunday morning (10.30 to 11.30) or Wednesday/Thursday evening please do contact the office. The youth team would love to talk to you. Other ministries such as Crèche, toddlers, baby group, CAP Café, Wednesday Welcome and other ministries are still suspended. We will let you know when these ministries may restart. However the good news is that Life Groups are continuing to meet, our CAP debt centre is supporting clients and taking on new cases, the Hertford & Ware Foodbank is supporting those in need and our online Alpha course was a great success. Church office and centre- the office is now open for our staff, who are working normal hours. Visitors need to book to visit the offices. The church halls have been risked assessed and are Covid 19 secure and will soon reopen to some of our regular hirers such as Scouts and Guides. And finally...
Do you have any large scallop shells at home- we need 3 or 4 for use at our baptism services- please contact the office if you can help us? Comments are closed.
January 2025