This Baaaaa-nk Holiday weekend put your hide and seek skills to the test as we look at another story that Jesus told.
Keep Alert! This week we explore another story that Jesus told and we think about being ready and not getting distracted…
The Parable of the Rich Fool- Let’s build some biscuit barns as we explore this story that Jesus told...
Lots of fun teaching, games, craft, worship for you to enjoy!
Click on the image below to visit New Wine Kids. This week’s parable might be a very familiar one to some of us but there is still lots for us to think about as we try to be good neighbours by showing love to those we meet.
Rend Co have led a time of worship for kids. You can join in HERE (external link to Facebook). This week we have lots of fun light related activities and songs to help us as we think about the parable of the lamp.
Parable of the Lamp- Under 5s Shine your Light- 5-11s Jesus often taught using parables. These are short stories which teach an important truth. We will be exploring some of these parables over the summer. This week we explore what a farmer and some seeds can help us learn about Jesus….
Jonah - Under 5s - You can’t hide from God!
Stephen - 5-11s- From Together at Home – Let’s think about being bold in sharing our faith and pray for those people who risk their lives in doing so Under 5s- Prayer- Ever been lost for words and don’t know what to say when you pray? God knows what is in your heart.
5-11s- Created by Together at Home- Early Church: Feeding the Widows. This week we look at how some people weren’t being treated fairly and explore the idea of justice. |
Children's Work