Richard and Monica Harvey
Richard Harvey is a UK based-Jewish disciple of Jesus (Yeshua) who has served with the Church's Ministry among the Jewish people (CMJ) and as UK Director and Senior Researcher with Jews for Jesus.
He has a Liberal Jewish upbringing and became a follower of Jesus in 1974. His story and his wife Monica’s are told in “But I’m Jewish!” He teaches Hebrew Bible and Jewish Studies at All Nations Christian College, UK, and was Academic Dean and Director of Postgraduate Studies. He is a past President of the International Messianic Jewish Alliance (IMJA) and is presently a Vice-President. His PhD was supervised by Professor Rabbi Dan Cohn-Sherbok and is published as "Mapping Messianic Jewish Theology: A Constructive Approach (2009)". Richard is now an independent researcher and spends his time writing, teaching, training, mentoring and drinking coffee in UK, Israel and around the world. During the Covid world pandemic, teaching continued online in many countries including Austria, Czech Republic, France, Ghana, Israel, Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, and USA, all from the comfort of his home office. His most recent book "Luther and the Jews: Putting Right the Lies" (Wipf and Stock, 2017) is a timely contribution to the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Richard has lived in Ware since 1997, is a member of Christ Church and is married to Monica (who is also a Jewish believer in Jesus) and they have two children and three grandchildren. Website (containing many of his articles, presentations, power-points, etc): If you have any questions about Jewish people and how to share your faith with them, Richard would love to meet up for a chat and a coffee as he is based in Ware. You can call him on 07505 685049 or email [email protected] Blogs: “On this day in Messianic Jewish history” YouTube: Contact details: Email: [email protected] Skype: richardsh56work Phone: +44 (0)7505 685049 Web: |