Dear Friends, This week we start on a summer series looking Learning from David, God Chooses David, 1 Samuel 16 1-13. Join us at 9 am or 10.30 am in church. You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30 am on our live stream. Live Stream link: The next Seven Service is 11th August – Seven Summer Special. Booking into Summer Blast is essential. Email Jess [email protected] Summer Blast: Tuesday mornings 6th, 13th, 20th August – 9:30am – 12 (noon), Reception-Year 5, Activities and Bible Story Call out for your to save your Yoghurt Pots and Cereal boxes for 20thAugust – please bring to office. Toddler Summer Special Monday mornings 5th and 19th August 9:30am – 11am, Under 5s with parents SEND Café and Play 14th August 10:00am-11.30am For children with additional needs and their parents Call out for lovely Cake Bakers - Please If you would like to be on team for any of these events or If you would like to be on a prayer team and receive specific prayer requests. Please speak to Jess All Age Summer dates for your diary Sunday 4th August Church Picnic - bring your own picnic after the 10:30 service. Wednesday 14th August Whole Church Rounders 7pm, bring drinks and nibbles, meet on the School field Sunday 18th August Ice cream Sunday, join us for ice creams after the 10:30 service. Saturday 14th September Beach Trip to Walton-on-the-Naze, details to follow, we meet on the beach! Set yourself as visible on ChurchSuite – Being visible means that you'll be able to see who else is serving alongside you. Whether you're on the worship team, welcoming guests, or helping with children's ministry. This also makes swapping easier How to Set Yourself as "Visible":
We still nee help with ... Summer Sundays: 28th July and throughout August, Three age groups- Under 5s, Yr 1-Yr 5, Yr 6-Yr 9 Under 5's 4th August Help Required 11th August Help RequiredHelp Required 25th August Help Required Year 1-5 28th July Help Required 11th August Help Required 25th August Help Required Legacy Fund This is the part of the building development fund which we are able to bless other ministries and mission with. Thanks to your amazing generosity the PCC is now in the position to start making the next series of grants. If you have a recommendation for a mission / ministry that is would be great for the Church to consider supporting please contact Roz McFiggans via the Church Office. For some of the previous ministries we have supported please see the latest edition of Ware in the World. Date for the Diary – CCW Away Day @ Home - Saturday, 5th October for our church day with children and youth activities, social time, teaching and worship together, shared lunch and also for the Friday evening where we will be having a time of worship, prayer and social together as well. Eco-Tip - World Water Day, Mar 25th. Any day can be your world water day, a reminder to contribute to water conservation for sake of our world. Have a cooler shower, a shorter shower, a cold shower, even. Those who adopt this policy feel invigorated and enlivened, and every little helps conserve the most important resource in the world – the stuff of Life, even in our rain-soaked country Marjorie Brain (Marjorie Williams) 20.7.1930 - 1.7.2024 Marjorie passed away on Monday, 1st July. She was 93 years old, lived in Ware from 1959 until 2020 and attended Christ Church. Her funeral will be held at Banbury Crematorium at 12:00pm on Wednesday, 21st August 2024. Anyone wishing to attend or to view the service online can contact her nephew Mark (via the Church Office) Giving at Christ Church All our ministries are generously supported by members of this church community. If you would like to join them in giving you can give via bank transfer: Account name: Christ Church Ware PCC Account Number: 00086783 Sort Code: 40 52 40 Click Here further details Prayer Space In the prayer area at the back of church there are cards for you to leave a; Testimony, Things to Pray for, as well as words for us as a Church. The Staff team will then take time to pray during for them during the week. Please place completed cards in the offertory box or give to a member of the clergy. For 24/7 urgent (and confidential) prayer requests please send an email to [email protected]. Comments are closed.
November 2024