Dear Friends, This Sunday Service - Exodus for Today - When it doesn't work as you thought. Exodus 5 Join us at 9 am or 10.30 am in church. You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30 am on our Live Stream: SEVEN Next Seven Service is 9th February - This term we are looking at Micah. Seven Service is on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at 7pm.
Interested in exploring the Christian Faith? -Why not Join Alpha Alpha is a series that explores the basics of the Christian faith in a welcoming, open and friendly environment. It's free and there's no pressure or follow up - Everyone's welcome. When: Tuesday Evenings starting 7.45pm including dinner Where: In Church Contact: [email protected] Sign-up to Alpha Soup Sunday 9th February. Join us for soup after the 10:30am service. Supporting Leadership On Monday the 10th February and 10th March(from 8.00pm till 9.45pm in the church) we will be holding 2 sessions looking at how we grow and support each other as Christian leaders. These sessions are open to anyone, whether you have a role in leadership at work or the church, or wanting to think about leadership. If you would like to come please let us know by e mailing the office or contacting John Hookway Ignite We are starting a Children's Club called 'Ignite' for children in school years 4-6 (8-11 years old). We are running our first 2 sessions on Wednesday 12th February and Wednesday 19th February at 3.30-5pm. There will be games, food, time to chat and a Christian message. Please book using the form here. We also need volunteers to help with this new exciting ministry. For further information please contact Lizzie at [email protected] Join In! Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th February (morning & afternoon sessions). A fun event for parents/carers and children to come to together with bouncy castle, soft play, games, Bible story and café.
Christ Church School Quiz Night – 6th February 7pm for 7:30pm start. £6 per person tickets in aid of school funds. Maximum 8 people per table. Bar available. Booking essential Inter Church Quiz – Saturday 8th February 7pm hosted by Leaside Church £10 per person paid on the day. Bring your own drinks and snacks. Tea and Coffee interval included. To book your place contact Mary 01920 464664 or Email [email protected] Eco Church Could you reduce your meat and dairy consumption? - we all know that consumption of meat and dairy products makes a massive contribution to greenhouse gases. The health experts also mostly seem to recommend eating more plants. Going vegan is asking a bit much for most of us, but could you commit to reducing your consumption of meat and dairy, perhaps eating vegetarian a couple of days a week. Why not try this, just for a week, or a month? Or, plan to try it for Lent? Every little reduction in carbon emissions is good Giving at Christ Church All our ministries are generously supported by members of this church community. If you would like to join them in giving you can give via bank transfer: Account name: Christ Church Ware PCC Account Number: 00086783 Sort Code: 40 52 40 Click Here further details Prayer Space In the prayer area at the back of church there are cards for you to leave a; Testimony, Things to Pray for, as well as words for us as a Church. The Staff team will then take time to pray during for them during the week. Please place completed cards in the offertory box or give to a member of the clergy. For 24/7 urgent (and confidential) prayer requests please send an email to [email protected]. Comments are closed.
February 2025