Dear Friends, This week we continue our new series - Understanding Jesus Through Luke: The Mission- 4:16-30 Join us at 9 am or 10.30 am in church. You can also join us as usual every Sunday at 10.30 am on our live stream. Live Stream link: SEVEN This Sunday is the Seven Service is on 22ndSeptember 7pm in Church. This term we are looking at Spiritual Gifts. Seven Service is on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at 7pm.
Breakfast for families with under 5's Sunday 22nd September 9am in Church Centre Please come along if you; -are Under 5 (please bring your family too!) & you serve in a team for Under 5's (crèche, toddlers, or bubbles) A chance to play, chat, and grab a breakfast bap, All of our events are always open to newcomers, please do come along and make yourselves known. Please email [email protected] if you would like to serve at this event Annual Children's Church Parental Consent In order to register your child for Children's Church we need a consent form. We are now using digital consent forms. You will need to complete 1 form per child. We really appreciate your help in completing this form Parental Consent September 2024-2025 · ChurchSuite Forms Interested in exploring the Christian Faith? Why not Join Alpha Alpha is a series that explores the basics ofthe Christian faith in a welcoming, open and friendly environment. It's free and there's no pressure or follow up. Everyone's welcome. Please use links to sign up or contact the office. When: Tuesday 24th September Day time 10:30am – 12pm with Refreshments Alpha Morning (24-Sep-2024) · ChurchSuite Events Evening : 7:45pm – 9:30pm with Dinner Alpha Evening (24-Sep-2024) · ChurchSuite Events Where: In Church For more details contact:[email protected] Home and Away Day (Closer each day...) Saturday, 5th October - Church day with children and youth activities, social time, teaching and worship together, shared lunch and also for the Friday evening where we will be having a time of worship, prayer and social together as well. PLEASE sign up at Home and Away (05-Oct-2024) ·ChurchSuite Events or contact the office. Wednesday Welcome 25th September 2:30 – 3:30pm Communion with Rev. Norman Richards. Wednesday Welcome is on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Christ Church Centre. Prayer Ministry Training – Tuesday 1st October 8pm in Church. If you are interest in Prayer Ministry, please contact the office. Harvest – we are celebrating Harvest on 6th October at both morning services. We will be supporting the work of the Hertford food bank Donate food | Hertford & District Foodbank If you would like to contribute, the items they require are: Packet Rice, Tinned Fruit, Tinned Vegetables, Jam/Marmalade/Honey, Toiletries, Long Life Milk (UHT), Fairtrade Fortnight 9th – 22nd September. Christ Church is a Fairtrade Church. This means that we endeavour to serve only Fairtrade tea and coffee and sugar after services and at church meetings held in the church building or the Centre. Why not make Fairtrade a lifestyle choice? Many of us at Christ Church enjoy Fairtrade tea, coffee, sugar, chocolate at home. Supermarkets locally stock them, though you may need to search. If you have any questions about this, please see Mary Salter or Paul Watson. Youth Parental Consent In order to register your Young Person for Youth Activities at Church we need a consent form. Youth Parental Consent · ChurchSuite Forms We really appreciate your help in completing this form Service of Memories – Sunday 20th October @ 4pm – if you are interest in helping please contact the office. Baptism and Confirmation - On Sunday 3rdNovember at 6pm we are having a confirmation service with the option to also be baptised. If you would like to make this public declaration or if you are just wanting to explore this further then please speak to John or Jess. Christ Church School Open Evening on 7th November 2024 between 6pm and 8pm. More details to follow Lone Parents – We are hoping to organise Christmas event for our Loan Parents 30th November 4-7pm – if you would like to be involved please contact the Church Office" Ecotip September – 'Back to school' A time to reflect on what we have learnt in the past year and how our individual lifestyles have changed towards treading lighter on the world's resources. A time, too, to consider what our next changes might be as we walk with Jesus in his creation, and how we can take more steps in pursuing net zero goals. – 'Every little helps'!.... Ware in the World - Mission Update Issue 4 available via Email or contact office Giving at Christ Church All our ministries are generously supported by members of this church community. If you would like to join them in giving you can give via bank transfer: Account name: Christ Church Ware PCC Account Number: 00086783 Sort Code: 40 52 40 Click Here further details Prayer Space In the prayer area at the back of church there are cards for you to leave a; Testimony, Things to Pray for, as well as words for us as a Church. The Staff team will then take time to pray during for them during the week. Please place completed cards in the offertory box or give to a member of the clergy. For 24/7 urgent (and confidential) prayer requests please send an email to [email protected]. Comments are closed.
February 2025